Manual Donation

Manual Donation / 手动捐款



This name will appear on the receipt. We will not be able to alter the name after the issuance of tax receipts.


This name will appear on the receipt. We will not be able to alter the name after the issuance of tax receipts.

*Note: Malaysia IC / NRIC, Company Number / Business Registration No. or Passport No (for non-Malaysians) are compulsory for issuance of tax receipts.
Potongan Di Bawah Subseksyen 44(6), Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967.
No. Rujukan LHDN: 01/35/42/51/179-6.4255.
Tempoh kuatkuasa kelulusan: 1 Januari 2021 - 31 Disember 2025